Todd Eugene Collett
- Date Of Birth: March 30, 1960
- Date of Disappearance: January 23, 1964
- Height and Weight at Disappearance: 3' - 30 lbs
- Distinguishing Characteristics: Caucasian. Blond hair; blue eyes. He has a dimple on his left cheek.Scar from chest to stomach.
- NCIC Number: M-678204686
- SBSO Case Number- 79774

I have decided to change the platform of this site that I have dedicated to Todd Collett. Previously, I had
general information that I have received from public record and multiple interviews with family
members and others who knew Todd. If you are looking for my previous content, you can look no
further than most platforms that mention Todd as most have used my content verbatim. Please be
aware that, I have updated/changed the content several times over the years but some sites have not
updated their content so it may not be accurate information.
With that said, my reason for taking down my content is to start from the beginning with fresh eyes. For
over 33 years, I have researched this case off and on. I am currently in a place where I can finally dig in
full time to hopefully uncover what happened to Todd so many years ago. I am in the process of
creating a podcast with some (but not necessarily all) of the things that I have discovered. Once I begin
dropping episodes, I will put links to articles, pictures, and other pertinent information on this site.
I have often been asked why I am so passionate about this case. The simple answer is that I used to be
connected to a family member (by marriage) who lived at the home where Todd disappeared from.
Upon researching his case, I learned of another child (Ramona Price) who disappeared 2 years and 2
miles away from where Todd disappeared from. I am convinced that they are connected. For
information on her case, you can visit I will be covering Ramona’s case as well in my
For those who have accused me over the years of having ulterior motives, I assure you this could not be
further from the truth. To date, I have spent countless hours and thousands of dollars solely to find
some sort of resolution for these two families, a few who I have established a strong bond with. I am
keenly aware that the likelihood of bringing to justice someone who abducted Ramona 62 years ago and
Todd 59 years ago is slim. In addition, I also understand that it is not promising that either child will ever
be found. With that said, stranger things have happened. New technology and innovative techniques
have solved cold/missing cases that are older than these. I stand 100% dedicated to finding the truth as
to what happened to these beautiful, sweet, and innocent children so very long ago and I will not give
up until I no longer walk this earth. I am hopeful that law enforcement will work with me, however, due
to past interactions, I am not holding my breath.
Finally, I am making a call to action. As previously stated, over the years I have been contacted by some
family members of both families and others who have come forward with information that I believe to
be potentially important. Since it has been quite some time since I have opened my files/notes, I have
yearned to connect with some of the people whose contact information has now changed. If you have
reached out to me at some point over the years with information, please contact me through this site so
that we can reconnect. If I do not hear from you and I use any information that you have provided, I will
use an alias for your real name in the podcast to protect your identity.
When I finish my final leg in this research and begin dropping weekly podcast episodes, I will update on
this site.
If you have any information, please contact The Santa Barbara Sherriff’s Department at 805-683-2724 if
it is regarding Todd and The Santa Barbara Police Department at 805-882-8900 if it pertains to Ramona.
If you do not feel comfortable speaking with law enforcement, you can contact me through this site.
Keep in mind that sometimes it is the smallest of things that can break a case wide open. And of course,
after all these years if you know something, say something…
general information that I have received from public record and multiple interviews with family
members and others who knew Todd. If you are looking for my previous content, you can look no
further than most platforms that mention Todd as most have used my content verbatim. Please be
aware that, I have updated/changed the content several times over the years but some sites have not
updated their content so it may not be accurate information.
With that said, my reason for taking down my content is to start from the beginning with fresh eyes. For
over 33 years, I have researched this case off and on. I am currently in a place where I can finally dig in
full time to hopefully uncover what happened to Todd so many years ago. I am in the process of
creating a podcast with some (but not necessarily all) of the things that I have discovered. Once I begin
dropping episodes, I will put links to articles, pictures, and other pertinent information on this site.
I have often been asked why I am so passionate about this case. The simple answer is that I used to be
connected to a family member (by marriage) who lived at the home where Todd disappeared from.
Upon researching his case, I learned of another child (Ramona Price) who disappeared 2 years and 2
miles away from where Todd disappeared from. I am convinced that they are connected. For
information on her case, you can visit I will be covering Ramona’s case as well in my
For those who have accused me over the years of having ulterior motives, I assure you this could not be
further from the truth. To date, I have spent countless hours and thousands of dollars solely to find
some sort of resolution for these two families, a few who I have established a strong bond with. I am
keenly aware that the likelihood of bringing to justice someone who abducted Ramona 62 years ago and
Todd 59 years ago is slim. In addition, I also understand that it is not promising that either child will ever
be found. With that said, stranger things have happened. New technology and innovative techniques
have solved cold/missing cases that are older than these. I stand 100% dedicated to finding the truth as
to what happened to these beautiful, sweet, and innocent children so very long ago and I will not give
up until I no longer walk this earth. I am hopeful that law enforcement will work with me, however, due
to past interactions, I am not holding my breath.
Finally, I am making a call to action. As previously stated, over the years I have been contacted by some
family members of both families and others who have come forward with information that I believe to
be potentially important. Since it has been quite some time since I have opened my files/notes, I have
yearned to connect with some of the people whose contact information has now changed. If you have
reached out to me at some point over the years with information, please contact me through this site so
that we can reconnect. If I do not hear from you and I use any information that you have provided, I will
use an alias for your real name in the podcast to protect your identity.
When I finish my final leg in this research and begin dropping weekly podcast episodes, I will update on
this site.
If you have any information, please contact The Santa Barbara Sherriff’s Department at 805-683-2724 if
it is regarding Todd and The Santa Barbara Police Department at 805-882-8900 if it pertains to Ramona.
If you do not feel comfortable speaking with law enforcement, you can contact me through this site.
Keep in mind that sometimes it is the smallest of things that can break a case wide open. And of course,
after all these years if you know something, say something…